(Taught June 2, 2016 for the Aire Faucon Newcomer A&S Night)
(Taught October 21, 2017 for the War of the Wings newcomer track)
One) Structure Levels of Organizations in the SCA
- Canton
- Barony
- Regional
- Kingdom
- Knowne World
Two) Type of Art Organizations in the SCA – Unofficial / non-legal entities
- Guilds – Structured, usually with a guild head, regular meetings, and an advancement structure to encourage learning.
- Colleges – Some offices’ structures are highly guild related and support colleges. Some have an advancement structure and others do not. Example: Heralds, Scribes
- Orders – Awards given at the Barony or Kingdom level sometime include membership within a group. Examples: Order of the Phoenix Eye (Baronial Arts), Order of the Golden Dolphin (Kingdom Service)
- Polling
- Additional activities
- Solars / Workshops – Activities at events where people are welcomed to participate in an art activity and/or ask questions. Often someone will have extra for teaching.
- Circles – At events. Usually performance in nature, usually after nightfall. May or may not require attendees to participate.
- Online interest groups – Examples: Sacred Stone Scribes, Heralds email list, Pennsic Chorus
- Knowne World Symposiums and Academies – Herald and Scribal Symposium, Dance Symposium, Middle Eastern Drum and Dance Symposium, Academy of the Rapier, Costuming Symposium
- Knowne World Fiber Arts Symposium – November 11-12 in Calontir (Iowa)
Three) Cantons of Aire Faucon (AF) & Charlesbury Crossing (CC) Guild-Like activities
- Practices – Fighter practice in CC at Freedom Park
- Scriptorium – Sometimes a member of AF and/or CC will host a scribal day at their house
- Leatherworking – AF has ongoing regular meetings on a leatherworking theme
Four) Barony of The Sacred Stone Guilds and Guild-Like Activities
- Sacred Stone’s Cook’s Guild – help cook events, welcomes all cooking types (herb, brew, research, kitchen, serving, etc)
- Sacred Stone’s Scribes
- Order of the Phoenix Eye – November – Runestone Collegium (even years); In a Phoenix Eye (odd years)
- Solar Fibers
- Sacred Stone Guards
Five) Kingdom of Atlantia – (touch on guild size and activity levels)
- Related to Offices of the Kingdom
- University of Atlantia
- Atlantian College of Scribes
- Atlantian College of Heralds
2. Highly Active Kingdom Guilds
- Atlantian Herbal Guild – The Herbal Guild is open to all: Topics used by Guild Members shall include but are not limited to: gardening, drying and preservation of plant materials, apothecary, medicinal, alchemy, bathing, cosmetics, culinary herbs, herb lore, midwifery, dying of fiber, creation of paints, and housewifery.
- The Company of the Silver Spindle – The Atlantian Spinning Guild. See information below
- Atlantian Brewers Guild
3. Other Guilds Chartered by Kingdom
- L’Academie Atlantienne de la Danse – Dancing
- The Atlantian Performers’ Guild
- Arachne’s Web of Atlantia – Lacemakers
- Atlantian Embroiderers’ Guild
- St. Anne’s Guild of Clothiers
- The Corsairium – Research, development and teaching of the nautical aspects of the SCA.
- Plus lots more – Kingdom guild information can be found through the A&S office’s website. And for those not appearing there search on “Atlantian (fill-in-the-blank) guild”.
Six) Knowne World Guilds
- Chirugeon Guild – Broken up into Kingdom Chapters. Often will recognize Masters from other Chapters.
- College of Heralds – Broken up by Kingdom, but does have Knowne World heads.
- Academy of Defense