Phoenix Eye: Change of Seasons

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NOTE: People may choose to DISPLAY ONLY for In a Phoenix Eye. You don’t have to enter the Change of Seasons Competition or the Peer Challenges.

All judging shall be performed on the Standard Atlantia Rubrics which can be found here:

SEASON DEFINITIONS – Artists decide what season applies to their entries. Seasons can be defined by color, era, or usage.

  1. Winter – Black and White; 999 and earlier; items primarily used or made in winter
  2. Spring – Green and Blue; 1000 to 1199; items primarily used or made in spring
  3. Summer – Purple and Naturals (Brown, Orange, etc); 1200 to 1399; items primarily used or made summer
  4. Fall – Yellow and Red; 1400 and later; items primarily used or made in fall.


  1. Each of the seasons will have a separate competition.
  2. To enter a season competition, gentles must enter at least 2 and no more than 4 pieces.
  3. Scoring – For each artist, the two highest scoring items entered in a season will be added together.
  4. Note – An artist can only win one season or the overall year. Five winners will result from the Change of Seasons Competition. The order applied will be a year of seasons, winter, spring, summer, and fall.


  1. To enter A Year of Seasons competition, gentles must have an entry for each of the four seasons. If a gentle has more than one possible entry in a season, they must define which entry applies to “A Year of Seasons” during the day-of registration.
  2. Scoring – The four seasonal entries, as defined by the artist, will be added together.
  3. Bonus Points (for those that like an extra challenge) – An extra point will be given if all four entries follow the color and/or era grouping; two extra points if all four entries follow the seasonal usage grouping – with a total possible three extra points.


  1. Does everything need to be new? An artist may enter items they have made with no time limit on when the item or documentation was created. We recommend updating the documentation.
  2. Can an entry have won a competition? Maybe. If the artist already has a Phoenix Eye, the entry cannot have won a previous competition. If the artist has not received recognition on the Baronial level for their arts by being made a Companion of the Phoenix Eye, then the entry has no restriction from previous wins.
  3. Can I enter something I made with someone else? Your documentation needs to clearly indicate what portion was made by you and the portion made by the other person. The judging will be only on the portion made by you.
  4. Can the competitions be entered as a team? During registration, register as a team. If also registering solo, do a second registration. Note, the restriction of only being able to win once applies to the artist, so if their team wins and they solo win, only the team win will apply.
  5. I hate competitions and being judged, can I just display? During registration for table space, indicate display only. Please note some of the Peer Challenges will be display only. Look for them.
  6. I’m a Laurel and this looks like fun, can I enter? We do ask, but don’t require, the majority of entries be outside your normal art area. Note, if you have a Phoenix Eye, the entry cannot have won a previous competition. Also create a Peer Challenge and volunteer to judge, please, we will love you for it and give you hugs.
  7. I want to enter, but I know you are short on judges, can I do both? Bless you, yes. When you volunteer with the Judge Coordinator, let her know which art forms you will have entries in and what art forms other than that you are competent to judge.
  8. What are the procedures for research papers? Research papers should be turned in by November 9th so the judges have time to properly review them before the event.
  9. What are the art categories? While the competition has no restriction on art categories and your entries can be for different categories, the following are the categories Atlantia has judging criteria for:

Accessories & Clothing                                     Archery Equipment                     Armor
Bookbinding                                                       Brewing, Vinting & Infusions    Calligraphy
Cartography                                                       Ceramics & Pottery                     Chainmail
Chandlery (Candle & Soapmaking)              Clothing, Early Period (600-1350 AD)
Clothing, Middle Period (1351-1450 AD)     Clothing, Late Period (1451-1600 AD)
Cooking by Course                                           Cooking by Single Dish              Cooking, Subleties & Illusion Foods
Dance Performance, Eastern                          Dance Perf., European               Dramatic Performance
Drawing                                                               Dyeing                                           Embroidery (Counted Thread)
Embroidery (Free Form)                                   Enamelwork                                 Equestrian Equipment
Felt Making                                                        Games, Toys & Dolls                  Glasswork
Heraldic Display                                                Illumination                                  Instruments, Non-Scientific
Instruments, Scientific                                      Jewelry                                           Knitting, Crochet & Macrame
Lacemaking                                                       Leatherwork                                 Material Preparation
Metalwork                                                          Miscellaneous                              Musical Performance (Instrumental)
Musical Performance, Vocal                           Needlework, Misc.                       Painting
Poetry                                                                  Research Papers**                    Sculpture
Spinning                                                              Spoken Performance                  Stained Glass
Tents                                                                    Weaponry                                     Weaving, Band/Tablet/Inkle
Weaving, Standard                                           Woodwork

**Research Papers – See the FAQ for research papers.