Category Archives: Class

Newcomer Night: Naming November

Welcome to the SCA
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a practical history society, recreating the arts and skills of pre-17th century Europe and places which traded with Europe. It started in Berkley California at a small gathering on May 1, 1966. It was just a themed medieval party called the “Last Tournament,” and the friends like it so much they did it again, then again, then told their friends about it, who took it to cons, and so on.

Fifty years later, the Society has grown to more than a thousand events happening on five continents every year. SCA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Milpitas, California with affiliate organizations in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.

The name “Society for Creative Anachronism” was coined by science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley when the group needed an official name to reserve a park for a tournament. (You may know her from The Mists of Avalon series, or Shadow’s Gate, or Darkover or from any of the other dozens of novels and short stories she created.) Her name in the SCA was Mistress Elfrid of Greenwalls.

What’s in a Name?
The SCA requires only one thing of event attendees, which is they make an attempt at garb.

Over time, people are encouraged to create a persona and persona name. This is a focal point around which their historical research, as deep or shallow as they want, will turn.

Ways people choose a persona include: (1) Best garb e.v.e.r! (2) always was interested in Vikings (3) I like this type of art (4) my family comes from there (5) my favorite fighting style (6) um, my spouse told me (7) I saw this movie once (8) my D&D character (9) I always wanted to be called.

From a persona, a person can start developing a name based on the location and date they are interested in. If starting from a partial or whole name, research will need to be done for where the name could have been used.

Having an SCA name can be a lot of fun, if a little confusing. (I looked up my best friend under both Mad and Dog and can’t find him anywhere!)

Don’t assume you know what is historic
So which name do you think is historic to pre-17th century – Wendy or Tiffany? Wendy was invented by Sir James Barrie in 1904 for his play Peter Pan. Tiffany comes from the Greek Theophaneia (epiphany) through Latin into French to evolve fully into Tiffany.

So be sure to research the name you are interested in having. You might be able to have it or something close.

Famous Authors who have Played
Sir Bela of Eastmarch – Poul Anderson
Yang the Nauseating – Robert Asprin
Lady Ursula de Santiago y Galiciano – Esther Freisner
Countess Bevan Frazier of Sterling – Katherine Kurtz
Lord Randall of Hightower – Randall Garrett
Mistress Diana Listmaker – Diana Paxson

Name Structure

  1. Given name
  2. Byname – A byname is a part of the name other than a given name. It may identify someone as the child of an individual (Davidson), as being from a particular place (and no longer living there!) (London), describe some distinctive physical or personality feature (Headworth), or describe their occupation (Cooper). Or inherited Surnames. Note that no language has all the bynames styles listed here.

Though introduced by the Norman during the conquest in the 1000’s, surnames weren’t widespread in England until 1400.

Personal Name – “A name phrase consists of a complete given name or byname with associated prepositions, articles and the like. The elements which make up a name phrase are referred to in these rules as name elements. Name elements may be words or pieces of words. A name phrase may consist of a single word or multiple words.” (The Standards…)

“Bynames were usually short, direct, earthy, and concrete, rather than long and fanciful; after all, they were used every day. As well, they were usually bestowed upon someone, and not chosen by them. One wouldn’t be Robert the Philosophical Poet, but Robert Talkewell (who talks well), or, worse, Robert Boast.” (SCA College…)

Rules of Naming per the Heralds

  1. “Reasonably Period” – Both by content and style.
  2. “Conflict and Presumption”
  3. “Offense”
  1. Single time and place. Avoid mixing languages, unless the location had it as a period practice.

Useful Links for Name Research

The Academy of Saint Gabriel. – last viewed November 7, 2019.

While they have retired from personal research, their extensive database is still online.

“SCA College of Arms – Name Articles”. – last viewed November 7, 2019.

Cultures included: Asia, Byzantium, Eastern Europe, England, France, Germany, Middle East, Ireland, Italy, Jewish, Low Countries, Roman, Russia, Scandinavia, Scotland, Spain/Iberian, Wales.
Plus a lot of other good articles.

“The Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory: The Rules of Submission as approved April 29, 2012 and updated July 15, 2013”. – last viewed November 7, 2019.

The Viking Answer Lady. – last viewed November 7, 2019.

SCA Vocabulary

Taught in Air Faucon for A&S Newcomer night on 9/5/2019

Description: Every group of people over time develop their own jargon, a shorthand to quickly express ideas. This creates can create confusion for people joining the group after the common language is created. This class has been created to teach some of the short-hand vocabulary the SCA uses.


  1. SCA – Society for Creative Anachronism
    1. Pronounced Ska or S.C.A. depending on the kingdom.
  2. A&S – Arts and Science
  3. S. – Anno Societatis – In the year of the society. May 1, 1966 is first day of the year A.S. I. New Year’s Day for the SCA is May 1st. Years are written in Roman numerals.
  4. AOA – Award of arms.



  1. Hold – On the field – Freeze! Now! / In the Kitchen or anywhere else – Freeze! Now!
  2. Clear – Drawing a weapon. Say it loud enough for people in the area possibly affected by the weapon know it is out and active. A knife being shown, a simple “clear” should suffice.
  3. BONUS WORD – Oyez – Attention getting sound, usually preceding an announcement.



Canton, Barony, Kingdom, Known World



  1. Events – Social functions where martial and A&S tournaments occur. Official courts can happens well. They usually occur on Saturdays or long weekends if camping is available. GARB IS REQUIRED FOR THESE FUNCTIONS.
  2. Fighter Practice – Where martial skills are trained for tournaments and wars. Usually includes Heavy Weapon and Rapier, unless specified as “Heavy Weapon Practice” or “Rapier Practice”. Always good to double check what is being offered. ARMOR IS REQUIRED, but not garb. The armor can be borrowed initially, but long-term interested parties are expected to make their own. Participants must sign waivers. “Groupies” are welcomed to support and attend.
    1. Archery Practice; Thrown Weapon Practice.
  3. A&S Meetings – Where A&S skills are taught and honed. Garb is not required.
  4. Business Meetings – Where the SCA officers come together to deal with the modern life business of having events and other functions. No garb required.
  5. Unevents – These are business meetings for large groups (baronies and kingdoms), usually an annual event, to gather all the officers for dissemination of information on a larger scale. THESE ARE NOT GARBED.
  6. Commons – Small local functions similar to Fighter Practice and meetings, but usually aren’t regularly scheduled. BUT they are officially scheduled. Garb is encouraged. Usually a potluck is involved.
  7. Demos – Outward facing function to either teach modern people or recruit new members.
  8. Wars – Large, multi-kingdom events ranging in size for 2 to 15 thousands attendees. These are the SCA version of conventions – all the things happen at them. Garb is required.
  9. Other special events – Coronation, Crown Tournament, Investiture, Twelfth Night, Schola/Collegium, University.



  1. Waivers – Liability is a thing, so the SCA has insurance and the insurance company wants waivers, so waivers. These are required at events and for any contact “sport” activities like Rapier and Heavy Weapons.
  2. Blue Card – The SCA membership card.
  3. Authorization Cards – Fighters who have completed basic training at fighter practices become authorized to fight in tourney and receive authorization cards. Heavy, rapier, and youth combat all require completion of training. Archer and Thrown do not have authorization cards.
  4. Field / List (sometimes Tourney Field) – The area where the martial activities occur. (Also the Eric (archaic use)
  5. Mundanes
    1. Modern clothing. Mundanes should not be worn at Events, but can be worn to meetings. Usually a changing area is provided.
    2. Modern people. At events near public areas, sometimes the mundanes wonder through. Refer to them as modern people whenever possible, but sometimes a quick “Head’s up, mundanes in the area” can be important.
  6. Garb – SCA clothing. (Vocabulary warning – do not refer to garb as cos-play or costumes)
  7. Dragons (archaic use) – Cars at events.
  8. Feast Gear – The utensils and eating gear needed to consume Feast and Dayboard. THESE ARE NOT PROVIDED BY EVENTS!!! A package should include tablecloth, lighting, napkins, a plate, a glass, a bowl, knife, spoon and fork. Sometimes for Commons a group will buy paper products but do not count on it.
  9. Gold Key – Garb and Feast gear provided by local groups for newcomers to borrow. One should contact the event in advance to see if these items will be available.



  1. Court – Can be held at Baronial and Kingdom events, where members of the SCA can be recognized for service and skill.
  2. Tourney / Tournaments – Martial skill competitions. Usually one-on-one.
  3. Melee – Martial skill competition. Usually multiple people on a side.
  4. Competitions – A&S competitions
  5. Bardic / Bardic circle – Performance activities at events. May be formal or informal, open or closed. Includes songs, poetry, dance, drums, instruments, etc.
  6. Feast – Dinner at events. Usually a separate cost.
  7. Dayboard – Lunch served at events. May be a fundraiser or included in entrance fee. Not always offered.
  8. Offboard – Table space offered during feast but food is not served. Sometimes this costs extra as the event will provide water and drinks and bread; also the extra cost for keeping the event open longer. Useful to ask after for those who want to hang with friends for the evening activities but have food restrictions.
  9. Toast – The toast is offered at feast. LIMITED TO CERTAIN PEOPLE.



  1. SCAdian – a member of the SCA
  2. Gentle – any person, not gender specific. Everyone is assumed to be of noble birth.
  3. Populace – the inhabitants of a kingdom or local group. The people present at an event.
  4. Sovereign / Consort / King / Queen – One member of the couple (maybe friends, maybe married) found in Crown Tourney and won making them Sovereign. The person that “inspired them this day” becomes their Consort. Gender OF THE PERSONAS defines King and Queen.
  5. Personas – These are the historic people SCAdians have created and emulate. They have a background story involving a time period and location, and are the primary research area when a person first starts in the SCA.
    1. Persona Name – the name a person goes by in the SCA.
  6. Peers – These are the highest awards in the SCA. Kind-of like getting your doctorate.
    1. Chivalry, Knight of the SCA, Master of Arms (heavy) – Sir / Dame – Belted
      1. Unbelted – Non-peered heavy fighters.
    2. Master of Defense (rapier)
    3. Laurel (arts), Pelican (service) – Master / Mistress
  7. Baron / Baroness / Baronage – Landed and court
  8. Lord or Lady
  9. Autocrat / Event Steward – The person organizing the Event
  10. Feastocrat (archaic use) / Head Chef – Person in charge of food at an event
  11. Troll (archaic use) / Gate – Refers both the location of and the person doing the entrance booth-table where one pays to enter and signs the waivers
  12. Marshal – the safety officer in charge of the Field
  13. Minister of Lists – The person keeping track of the “score” for a tournament.
  14. Herald – The person announcing activities at events; some are specialized like the List Herald and the Court Herald.
  15. Minister – gender neutral term for Officers in the SCA. Also referred to Master (of the Lists) or Mistress (of the Lists). But never the title Master/Mistress by itself.
  16. Chirugeon – Volunteer first aider at event.
  17. Waterbearer – Someone carrying water on the list field when the Marshal stops the fighting so people can stay hydrated. We LOVE them!!!
  18. Officers of a local group – Seneschal, Exchequer, Chatelaine, etc.
  19. Halflings (archaic use) – children.



  1. The Play vs. Behind the Scenes – Court, Crown and Events are “stage” events, where the Middle Ages and Renaissance skills and arts are on display. Behind the Scenes is the business meeting, getting court set up and the like.
  2. The Dream – The chivalric society built on respect we aspire to. The best of the Middle and Renaissance Periods – and the best of ourselves.
  3. Period – The historic period which the SCA covers (usually 600 AD to 1600 AD, but does cover everything before 1600 AD)
  4. Arms vs. Devices – This is a heraldic difference. It is the shield everyone uses.
  5. Live Steel – Weapon with an edge and point to it.
  6. Dry / Damp / Wet Site – The alcoholic policy for event. “Discreetly” means port it in, port it out. Leave no bottles. And treat the place extra nice because the people we are renting from are giving us extra leeway.
  7. Crash Space – Place to stay in case of long drive.


Awards and Recommendations Part 2: How to Submit a Recommendation

For a Newcomer Night (not yet taught)


Description: Again the class concentrates on writing recommendations as a member of the Canton of Aire Faucon, including SCA-wide awards, Kingdom of Atlantia awards, and Barony of Sacred Stone awards.


While we often say the SCA is a game, the reality is it is a non-profit organization and like any organization it is made up of people. People who need a “thank you” now-and-again, recognition, and also breaks. This is not day-job, but fun-job. Make sure it stay fun, and one of the ways to do that is make sure the people participating – dedicating their time learning arts, or doing service, or fighting at demos – feel appreciated. This includes verbal thank yous and stuff to go on walls.

PART ONE – Part One covered the Order of Precedence (OP) and awards available to members of the Canton broken down into the big areas: Martial prowess, Arts and Science skills and teaching, and Service. Also mentioned specialization of Courtesy and for those under the age of 18. We discussed those awards recognized throughout the SCA, those which are Kingdom specific, and those given within the Barony.

PART TWO – Part Two will cover how to write and submit recommendations to the Kingdom and to the Barony.



ONE) Kingdom Awards –

  • Advocates – If you are new to writing recommendations (and even not so new) for polling orders, contact members of the Canton who already are member of the Order and bounce ideas off of them. These are people who will be attending the meetings and bringing up names and letting people know how great the person you want to recommend it. They might tell you to “wait”, they might recommend a different award.
  • The Kingdom Award system – The information will go to the King and Queen; at a couple months before the start of their reign, the Prince and Princess will also be included for polling awards. Polling awards are often cut and pasted to the polling order letters for review, so be sure to include names and specific details.
  • Additional Contacts – Inform the local Baronage, Baronial Seneschal, and Canton Seneschal. If possible, cut and paste the information you sent in to them in an email so they are aware of what was written. Often the Crown will contact the local leadership for opinions; don’t let them be caught flatfooted. Additional people who might be help could include officers in the area being written in – for A&S, get the A&S Minister involved, Newcomer – talk to the Chatelaine, and Martial, the Marshal.

TWO) Baronial Awards – Use the Baronial form on the Baronial website. Follow up with the Baronage. Like with Kingdom Awards, for polling orders contact local Advocates to help your “thank you” campaign and copy the Canton Seneschal (and appropriate officers) so when the Baronage calls, she has answers at her fingertips.



One) Both the Kingdom and the Barony have award submission pages. Gather the information you need before logging on. Yes, there is work – but it is worth it when you see the gentle called into court.

  • Kingdom Awards are inside a password protected area of the Atlantia website. The same area is used for signing up for Kingdom University and for members of polling orders and for responding to polls.
  • To sign up for a User Account ,you will need the following information: A Username of your choice, Mundane First Name, Mundane Last Name, SCA Name, Email Address, Password (of your choice).

Two) Kingdom Awards – Link

  • Login with your information.
  • See if the person already is in the OP – Enter their mundane first name, last name, or SCA name. You do not need the full information. For example entering only “Prudence” in the SCA name field will pull up three people, while “Curious” pulls up one. If the person is already in the OP, GREAT! – double check their OP entry and make sure they don’t already have the award you are writing them in for. Check the accuracy of the information that is pulled up – SCA name and group good?
  • Person is not in the OP – Maybe they just moved to the kingdom or this is their first award. In that case, you will need:
    1. MUSTS – SCA Name (spelled properly), Modern Name, Branch Name (Barony of Sacred Stone or Canton of Aire Faucon),
    2. NICE TO HAVE – Gender of their PERSONA (so the scrolls have the proper pronouns), Honorific if already have an award
  • Award Name (dropdown available)
  • Award Recommendation Comments
  • Write the Recommendations
  • You can Save (which allows you to come back to it), Submit, or Remove one you already submitted (such as finding out the Royals gave them the award yesterday, so it wasn’t in the system yet).

Three) Cool things about the Kingdom System

  • Your Recommendations – This area shows all saved and/or submitted recommendations you have created. It can remind up to update the recommendations and resubmit them at a later date and also show you that the crown heard your request and gave the person the award (which is way cool).
  • Friend and Family – Allows gentles to let the Crown know where people will be. For example, someone writes Paulie Woodcutter in for his AOA, but doesn’t know what events he will be at, but they talk to Lady Tatiana – who won’t write her husband in, but can go into the system and let the Crown know where the Woodcutter clan will be gathering.

Four) Baronial Awards through the Kingdom Website – Works very similar to the Kingdom awards

Five) Baronial Awards through the Baronial Website – Link

  • The baronial award form creates an email and does not have a special login.
  • Your information: SCA Name, Modern Name, and Email.
  • Person you are writing in: SCA Name, Modern Name, SCA Branch, Award Name (dropdown available), Award Recommendation Comments.

Six) Things to Include in Comments or Know about when writing:

  • Crowns change out every Six Months – Update your Recommendation accordingly, especially for polling orders.
  • Pollings take time – Baronial polling take several months, Crown polling of Orders can take years. Follow up regularly. Peerages are not made lightly.
  • Specific and General – Write general information related to the award, stuff like how long they have been doing the things they have been doing. Write specific information related to the award, stuff like at Blank Event in March 2019 the gentle won Competition Name and worked in the Kitchen. If submitting in another reign, then update with “what have they done lately”.
  • Where to give the award – Include likely events for them to attend with at least a month warning so the scribes have time to work the scrolls. Three months are ideal for non-polling orders.
  • If submitting a child for an award – include their age, birthdate if possible, and parental contact information

Awards and Recommendations Part 1: Awards Available to Aire Faucon Citizens

For a Newcomer Night (not yet taught)


Description: Lists of awards available to those residing in the Canton of Aire Faucon, including SCA-wide awards, Kingdom of Atlantia awards, and Barony of Sacred Stone awards.


How do you say “thank you” to the people who have done hard work? How do you bring attention to gentles excelling at the arts? How should you write someone in for their prowess on the field? Which of the many awards are appropriate to write someone in for and how do you do it?

The biggest way to say thank you, of course, is just say “thank you”. But, believe me, it helps to have something on the wall as a reminder that people really do appreciate what you have done. For those days when things go wrong, when you deal with issues, when you are just tired. Arranging to have some bit of permanent, tangible appreciation can help alleviate burnout and remind a person, yes, you are loved.



The heralds have this thing call “Order of Precedence,” which drives the Order of March at functions such as processing at Crown Tournament. In American culture where everyone is essentially considered equal, the OP seems strange, but can be a fun part of the game. There are several essential levels and an individual’s location in the Order of March is driven by their highest award and when they received it.

The levels are:

One) Crowns and Coronets – Those presently serving on the thrones and seats. These are the Sovereign, Consort (King/Queen), Prince, Princess, Baron, Baroness, or Regents (should a throne or seat be vacant).

  • The proper way to address someone with these awards: Sovereign & Consort – Your Majesties; Prince/Princess – Your Highness; landed Baron/Baroness – Your Excellency.

Two) Patent of Arms / The Peers of the Realm – Note that all these awards are recognized throughout the SCA.

  • Royal Peers – These are people who have sat on the throne. – Duke/Duchess (served at least twice as Crown); Count/Countess (served once as Crown).
  • Peers – Order of Chivalry (Knights and Masters of Arms), Order of the Laurel, Order of the Pelican, and Order of Defense
  • The proper way to address someone with these awards: Duke/Duchess – Your Grace; Count/Countess – Your Excellency; Peers – Master/Mistress/Sir/Dame (or appropriate to persona as the person specifies).
  • The Royal Peers are not polled. Order Peers are polled by the Crown for additions to their Orders; the Crown considers their advice.
  • Order of the Rose – A special order for Consorts to the Crown when they stepped down, in general called the Ladies of the Rose – with a few Laddies thrown in. While automatic in Atlantia, it is not automatic in every kingdom. It carries no precedence in-and-of itself. The Order of the Rose encourages courtesy within kingdoms. The Sovereigns have no equivalent order.

Three) Grants of Arms / Orders of High Merit – The Grant of Arms is recognized throughout the SCA. Individual kingdoms have Orders of High Merit which carry Grants; the Grant is recognized wherever the individual moves, but the Kingdom Order is not.

  • Atlantia Orders of High Merit are: The Order of the Pearl, The Order of the Sea Stag, The Order of the Golden Dolphin, The Order of the Yew Bow, The Order of the White Scarf of Atlantia, The Order of the Kraken, The Order of the Golden Lance of Atlantia. 
  • The proper way to address someone with a Grant in Atlantia is: my Lord and My Lady. Some kingdoms designate a difference with my Honorable Lord and my Honorable Lady.
  • The Atlantia Orders of High Merit are Polling Orders, which means the Crown seeks advice on those already in the Order who to add. It is NOT a vote – the monarchs may ignore the advice.
  • Rarely are Grants given “bare” – But we have an exception in our Canton with Lord William of Faleston.

Four) Award of Arms (AOA) / Orders/Awards of Merit – The AOA is recognized throughout the SCA. Individual Kingdoms have Orders of Merit / Awards of Merit which carry AOAs; should a gentle move, the AOA is recognized but the Kingdom Orders and Awards are not.

  • Atlantia Orders of Merit – The Order of the Opal, The Order of the Coral Branch, The Order of the Silver Osprey, The Order of the King’s Missilers, The Order of the Sea Dragon, The Order of the Quintain.
  • Award of Arms – AOAs are usually given “bare.” The first big “THANK YOU” for contributions to the SCA through service, arts, or martial skill.
  • After receiving an AOA, the person should be addressed as Lord or Lady. They also may carry their Arms into battle or have someone carry it for them.

Five) Non-Precedence Kingdom Awards – These awards carry no precedence, but they are cool and they do put the person onto the Kingdom OP. They are not recognized outside the Kingdom.

  • Atlantia Orders without Precedence – The Queen’s Order of Courtesy; The Order of the Nonpareil. 
  • Atlantia Awards (Can be given more than once) – Shark’s Tooth, Silver Nautilus, Fountain, King’s Award of Excellence, Undine, Herring, Vexillum Atlantiae, Star of the Sea.
  • Youth Awards – Sea Urchin, Hippocampus, Sea Tyger, Alcyon, Arielle

Six) SCA & Atlantia Special Items –

  • Court Baroncy – Given by the Crown to gentles at their discretion. They may include a Grant of Arms, but might not. Per SCA Corpora, they carry at least an AOA. They have no special standing in the OP. The person’s highest “of Arms” drives their OP position. But, hey, a hat to wear is really cool. The Court Baroncy is recognized throughout the SCA.
  • Augmentation of Arms – Recognized throughout the SCA, the Crown gives a gentle a modification to their Arms, often adding something specific of the kingdom or the present holders of the crown in canton (upper dexter corner).
  • Supporters – Note that using supporters, helms, or mottos can be restricted depending on the kingdom a gentle lives. Some kingdoms reserve the right to award their subjects these items. In Atlantia, only supporters are limited.
  • Company of the Sergeants of Saint Aidan – A fighting company where new members are selected by existing members and brought in by the Sovereign.
  • Company of the Gilded Portcullis – A service company of Atlantians who have served troll at Pennsic for an extended length of time.

Seven) Baronial Orders and Awards – These awards are given by the Coronets to members of their Barony at their discretion with the Orders polled for advice as appropriate. These place a gentle onto the Kingdom OP, 

  • Orders – Order of the Sacred Stone, Order of the Phoenix Eye, Order of the Phoenix Claw, Order of the Phoenix Heart, Order of the Yeoman.
  • Awards (awards may be given more than once) – Flame of the Phoenix, Feather of the Phoenix, Baronial Award of Excellence, Talon of the Phoenix, Drakken Egg, Spark of the Phoenix, Chef d’oeure, Saint Casimir, Phoenix’s Emerald, Phoenix’s Pyrite, Baronial Award of Courtesy.
  • Special Item – Defenders of the Sacred Stone/Phoenix – Recognizes those who have served as a Champion in Sacred Stone. Not automatic.
  • Special Item – Spirit of the Phoenix is given to gentles outside the barony in recognition of their contributions.



That is a lot of awards and orders. Sometimes it is easier to thing about them within general families: Fighting, Arts, and Service. While not required to follow this order directly or get all the “badges,” in general it is best to write someone in for the “next” on the list from where they are.

Baronial award are separate from kingdom awards. Writing in someone for their AOA while also asking the Baronage to look at them for a Drakken Egg is appropriate.


SCA-wide – Court Baroncy – Whatever the Crown pleases, I have seen everything from babysitting the royal children during Pennsic to recognizing thirty years of service while waiting for the Pelicans to get back with their polling. Usually given to landed Baronage when they step down if they don’t already have one. The only award outside of Royal Peers which comes with a “hat.”

Kingdom – The Order of the Nonpareil – Honors and recognizes those who have shown excellence, honor, courtesy or chivalry above and beyond any duty. The members of this Order exemplify what it means to be an Atlantian. This award may be given only once per reign and is conveyed solely at the discretion of the Crown. There is no precedence for this accolade, however, it is probably the highest honor one who lives in Atlantia could be given. 

Kingdom – The King’s Award of Excellence – Given by the Sovereign to those deemed deserving by distinguishing themselves by their contributions to the Kingdom.

Baronial – Award of the Phoenix’s Emerald – Given to a person who is highly and uniquely valuable to the Barony. One time achievement award.

Baronial – Baronial Award of Excellence – General award of excellence, can be awarded more than once.

Baronial – Award of the Drakken Egg – Recognizes outstanding contributions of newcomers.


Kingdom – Order of the Sea Tiger – Ages 0 to 17. Valor.

Kingdom – Order of the Alcyon – Ages 0 to 17. A&S.

Kingdom – Order of the Hippocampus – Ages 0 to 17. Service.

Kingdom – Award of Arielle – Ages 0 to 17. Courtesy.

Kingdom – Award of the Sea Urchin – Ages 0 to 12. Contributions for service, martial skill, or A&S.

Baronial – Award of Saint Casimir – Special contributions for the Barony’s children 11 to 16.

Baronial – Award of the Feather of the Phoenix – Special contributions for the Barony’s children ages 0 to 10.


SCA-wide – Order of the Rose – Served as Consort on the throne.

Kingdom – Queen’s Order of Courtesy – Bestowed by the Consort of Atlantia upon subjects deemed worthy by their consistently exemplary courtesy to the subjects of all ranks in this Realm and the Society at large.

Baronial – Baronial Award of Courtesy – Given at the discretion of the Coronets to any individual displaying outstanding courtesy to any member of the populace.

FIGHTING (Heavy, Rapier, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Siege, and Equestrian – many awards are specific to the type of martial skill)

HEAVY – SCA-wide – Order of Chivalry (Knights and Masters of Arms). Great skill in combat, qualities of courtesy and grace.

RAPIER – SCA-wide – Order of Defense – Great skill at rapier and/or cut-and-thrust combat, as well as qualities of courtesy and grace, willingness to teach others, and service to the kingdom.

HEAVY – Kingdom (High Merit) – Order of the Kraken – NON-BELTED (non-knight) fighters who have distinguished themselves by consistent excellence on the field.

RAPIER – Kingdom (High Merit) – Order of the White Scarf of Atlantia – Exercise and advance of the noble art of fence and have distinguished themselves as examples of the precepts to which it is devoted. Requires the recipient to “play the prize”.

HEAVY, RAPIER – Kingdom (High Merit) – Order of the Sea Stag – TEACHING of armored combat and rapier combat.

ARCHERY, THROWN, SEIGE – Kingdom (High Merit) – Order of the Yew Bow – Excellence of skill or teaching of the skills of bow and arrow (target and combat), thrown weapons and/or siegecraft.

EQUESTRIAN – Kingdom (High Merit) – The Order of the Golden Lance of Atlantia – Expertise in equestrian arts, and who have, through service to the equestrian community, advanced those arts and promoted them.

HEAVY – Kingdom (AOA level) – The Order of the Silver Osprey – NON-BELTED fighters distinguished on the heavy field.

RAPIER – Kingdom (AOA level) – The Order of the Sea Dragon – NON-WHITE SCARF rapier fighters distinguished on the rapier field.

ARCHERY, THROWN, SEIGE – Kingdom (AOA Level) – Order of the Yew Bow – Distinguished in bow and arrow (target and combat), thrown weapons and/or siegecraft.

EQUESTRIAN – Kingdom (AOA level) – The Order of the Quintain – Distinguished by consistent effort and shown excellence in the pursuit of equestrian activities.

ANY – Kingdom – Award of the Shark’s Tooth – Acts of valor for the Kingdom,

FIGHTING UNITS – Kingdom – The Vexillum Atlantiae (the Award of the Banner) – recognizes ferocity and valor of a group of fighters as a whole, not as individuals. When they fight as a unit, the group may carry the banner with the award heraldry into battle.

HEAVY, RAPIER, SIEGE – Baronial – Order of the Phoenix Claw – Outstanding performance on the field of battle. Includes Heavy, Rapiers, and Siege Engineers.

ARCHERY, THROWN WEAPONS – Baronial – Order of the Yeoman of the Sacred Stone – Outstanding contributions in all areas of archery (target and combat) and thrown weapons.

ALL COMBAT – Baronial – Award of the Talon of the Phoenix – Outstanding achievement on the field of battle during a specific event.


SCA-wide – Order of the Laurel – Great skill in an Art or Science, willingness to TEACH others, and using their abilities to benefit the kingdom.

Kingdom (High Merit) – Order of the Pearl – Honors efforts and excellence in A&S and/or their willingness to teach others.

Kingdom (AOA level) – Order of the Coral Branch – A&S from period.

Kingdom – Award of the Silver Nautilus – Extraordinary achievement in A&S.

Kingdom – Award of the Fountain – Performed A&S for the kingdom.

Baronial – Order of the Phoenix Eye – Outstanding A&S achievements WITHIN the Barony. This includes the TEACHING of that art in the Barony and its USE on the Barony’s behalf. (Polled by the order. This Order has additional tasks of organizing and participating in the Runestone Collegium and the Phoenix Eye Competition events.)

Baronial – Award of the Spark of the Phoenix – Outstanding Achievement in A&S by a specific work or project.

Baronial – Award of the Chef d’oeuvre – Given for skill in planning and cooking feasts.


SCA-wide – Order of the Pelican – Great service to their kingdom OR the society as a whole, usually for many years and without thought of reward.

Kingdom (High Merit) – Order of the Golden Dolphin – Honors exceptional service and leadership in Atlantia.

Kingdom (AOA level) – Order of the Opal – Service to Atlantia.

Kingdom – The Award of the Undine – Given by the Consort at her discretion to those who have distinguished themselves by exceptional service to the Consort.

Kingdom – The Award of the Herring – Extraordinary achievements as autocrats.

Kingdom – The Award of the Star of the Sea – Extraordinary contributions insuring the future of our kingdom through our youth OR new members; furthering their educational growth to become active and productive members of Atlantia.

Baronial – Order of the Sacred Stone – Outstanding service and dedication to the Barony over a PERIOD OF A LONG TIME and with the promise of CONTINUTING SERVICE in the future.

Baronial – Order of the Phoenix Heart – Recognizes courtesy and chivalry in the barony. Recognizes gentles that repeatedly perform selfless acts on behalf of the Barony, both inside and outside her borders.

Baronial – Award of the Flame of the Phoenix – Outstanding feat of service in the Barony (can be given more than once).

Baronial – Award of the Spirit of the Phoenix – Contributions by those outside the geographical boundaries.

Baronial – Award of the Phoenix’s Pyrite – Given to individuals for service to the Barony above and beyond any “sane” reckoning.

    Business of Events

    (Taught at the December 6, 2018  Newcomer meeting in Aire Faucon.)


    Description: Always wondered what goes on in running an event – either from the point of helping out as a Minion, or maybe running just a piece like a tournament, or taking the whole shebang from bid to final report. Well wonder no longer. By popular request, we are breaking down events and getting the business details behind the pageantry and party.


    1. The Idea
    2. Brainstorming: Single day or Multi; Feast or no Feast; Dayboard; Merchants; Main Activities; Children; Youth;
      • Theme – What Makes This Special? – Don’t lose focus
    3. Get helpers – Get head chef, reservationist, and main activities leads
    4. Find site
    5. Present bid to group – if going to kingdom, first go through Barony or Canton (Tap local officers)
      • The Bid includes a Budget
    6. Contract with the site – Get Seneschal to signt he contract
    7. Spike AND Acorn your event
    8. Insurance – Required for Horses
    9. As things go
      • Fill out Staff – Have your Leads fill out their staff and get back to you. Make sure there is no overlap (Special note: Setup crew should be different from Breakdown crew.)
      • See if your staff has special needs and make arrangements
      • Ask for any needed items from the Baronial Quartermaster.
      • Send out monthly announcements on Merry Rose and Baronial List about cool things related to your event.
      • Go to events yourself and help out a lot. Get known. Get people owing you help. Network.
      • Make the special stuff for the event – for example, event tokens
      • Do a test feast or two with your cook if they are new. Great to overlap with a potluck night in our Canton.
    10. Month before
      • Staff – Retouch base with them. Still all good? Any new needs?
      • How are reservations? Send out final reminder.
      • Send lovings to the Seneschal and Baronage.
      • Make the signs, make gate handout/flyer, figure out the money the reservationist needs (exchequers may already got this covered, but check it out), pens, tape. Basically get your kit together before the night before.
      • Make arrangements to meet with the quartermaster to pick up stuff
    11. Day of
      • Don’t sleep – well, try, but you aren’t going to.
      • Arrive early and setup Gate first – get checked in.
      • Set up activities next.
      • Then food.
      • Then help out guests.
      • Troubleshoot.
      • Close out troll with gatekeeper and exchequer.
    12. After
      • Double check site, return key and get deposit.
      • Remind everyone to get their receipts back toyou, yesterday.
      • Return things to the quartermaster; note – youmay need to dry things out first.
      • Thank your staff. Publicly and by writing recommendations. Thank your head chef personally.
      • Event report closing with exchequer.
      • Critique event with the group – what was good,what can be better.

    ADVICE – Remember

    A. CONTROL – Keep the event under control. Don’t let anyone – not the head chef, members of your local group or even the Royals wrest the control of the event or add to the event haphazardly. Remember at all times, YOU are the organizer and YOU MUST know what is happening when at the event.

    B. DELEGATE – The above said, delegate as much as possible. Don’t move the chairs yourself, get others to move them or better yet have someone else direct the moving of the chairs so you are available for other problems. You should do very little of the actual work – YOUR JOB is to make sure things get DONE, not to do them!

    C. CALM – Never let them see you sweat, or panic, or scream. If there is a major problem beyond your power, hand it over to the Seneschal – that is what s/he’s there for. Otherwise, be polite, smile, and firm. Panicking only makes it worse.

    SPIKEING THE EVENT– Event Registration, Event Flyer Submission Form, SPIKE Documentation

    Register a New event – information needed

    Name of Event (required at signup)

    Event Start Date; Event End Date (required)

    Hosting Group (required at signup)

    Site Opens; Site Closes

    Site Name; Address; City; State; Zip

    Conflict Status Desired – Other Groups MAY / MAY NOT conflict within 150 miles (required at signup)

    Site Restrictions

    Alcohol Permitted? (required at signup)

    Web Site


    Event Name (required)

    Event Date (required)

    Submitter’s E-mail Address (required)

    Hosting Group (required)

    Box to Update to existing Flyer

    Event Description (required)

    Make Check Payable To: (required)

    Cost Notes:

    Site: (required)

    Site Restrictions:

    Directions (required)

    Event Cost: Adult, Youth, Child, – Daytrip, Feast, Camping (Required)

    Autocrat and Reservationist Information: SCA Name:, Legal Name (required); Address/City/State/Zip (required); Phone (required); Email address

    Activity Information: Event website; Martial Activities; A&S Activities; Feast Information; Merrchanting Information; Other information

    Box: By checking this box, I affirm that I have obtained permission from each person listed in this announcement to publish their personal information electronically.


    Sacred Stone – Scroll down – Additional Links

    Annual Baronial Events Needing Bids: Baronial Unevent (June); Baronial Birthday (September); In a Phoenix Eye / Runestone Collegium (Traditionally November)

    Event Bid Form

    Event Timeline Form

    Baronial Inventory

    Kingdom Event Bid Page: Home -> Offices -> Seneschal -> Kingdom Event Bid

    Annual Kingdom Events Needing Bids: 12th Night; Winter University; Kingdom A&S; Spring Coronation; Spring Crown; Summer University; Fall University; Fall Coronation; Fall Crown; Unevent (Plus WOW)

    How to Host a Kingdom Level Event Kingdom of Atlantia SCA Inc

    Event Requirements and Statistics

    Kingdom Event Bid Form

    Atlantian Event Report

    Kingdom Event Bid Regions Defined

    2017-2024 Preferred Site Rotation

                                                   SITE INFORMATION PHONE CALL SHEET

    Name of Place:  _______________________________________________

    Street Address: _______________________________________________


    Mailing Address: ______________________________________________

    (if different)         ______________________________________________

    Contact Person:_______________________________________________

    Phone: ______________

    1.  Do you rent your site to non-profit educational groups?

        (Explain SCA)

    2.  Do you have kitchen facilities? May we use them?

        Does the kitchen facilities have additional costs?

    3.  How many people can be seated in the Hall?

        Do you have enough tables and chairs to seat that many?

        Do we have to rent the tables and chairs in order to use them?

        Is there a Fire Regulation Limit on seating?

    4.  Cost to Rent this site? –     Day _______    (know the range you

                                            Weekend _______     need to work in)

        (If cost is too high, say Thank You, and end here.)

    5.  Are there rooms or areas that can be used for changing clothes?

        (Royal room and/or classrooms for SCA courses)

    6.  Accessibility of restrooms? How about overall Handicapped accessibility?

    7.  Parking areas?

    8.  Outdoors areas? – (To use for Tournaments.)

    9.  Proposed dates:  Have at least 2 dates in mind. – Be flexible.

         Preferred date: _____________    Alternate date: ____________

    If everything looks good thus far, set an appointment to see the site personally with them. Bring your support material when visiting the site. Bring your head chef if possible.

    Other Questions about Sites:  Know local archery laws? (some jurisdictions classify bows as firearms)


    Verify information already received over phone. Then walk through the site.

    COST (In advance calculate approximate cost per person expected to attend)

    Is a deposit required? When is it required? What is the cost per piece of the facility?

    INSURANCE (Ask the Seneschal for details about any insurance matter.)

    Do they even care? Do they want proof of insurance? Will the cover letter do?

    Related Questions: Do they want an official copy of our insurance? Do they wish to be included on our insurance? (Try to avoid this)


    Is site available on day(s) wanted? Is an alternate date possible until all arrangements are firm?


    What should the site hours be? Are they acceptable to the site director?

    Can you set up the day before? (Especially helpful for event beginning with activities starting at ten.)

    Can you clean up the next day if necessary? (Remember you will be exhausted the following day, so day-of is better.)


    Proximity to major highways

    Public transportation access

    Proximity to hotels. Will any hotels give a special group rate?

    Parking on site. (Count the slots – both regular and handicap)


    Capacity of site.

    Number of bathrooms. (Are changing rooms available other than bathrooms?)

    Special rooms available for a quiet room or nursery. 

    Are any rooms off limits? (Like the pastor’s office.)

    Does the site require an overseer during the day? Do you have to pay them? (janitor,food prep, overtime)

    Custodial supplies – do you have access to them? Toilet paper, paper towels, detergent -mops and brooms are a must! If no access, don’t forget to purchase them.

    Air conditioning/Heating?


    What is the number of people you are planning for feast? What is the capacity of this feast hall?

    Room for offboard? How many?

    Can you use the tables and chairs on site? How many tables on site? How many can sit at a table?

    Where can you borrow/rent tables and chairs?

    Alcohol – Is the site dry, damp or wet?

    Candles in hall – open, closed flame, or not allowed? Check local fire codes if necessary. Ventilation of hall, taking into account lots of people and candles.


    Counter space

    Stove. Number of burners. Number of ovens. Gas or electric?

    Number of microwaves.

    Refrigerator(s), Freezer(s), Dishwasher(s), Large sinks

    Access to any and all kitchen equipment, do they work, and how clean are they? Will they be empty when you get there? Will they be turned on and cool?

    Can you use utensils and cookware available on site? (i.e., knives, silverware, potholders, dishrags, pots, and pans)

    How many people can fit in the kitchen?

    Access of kitchen for carrying things in from the car? Access of kitchen to feast hall? (Getting food to feast hall and being accessible to volunteers vs. keeping nosy people out)


    Is there room for them?

    If it rains and they are outdoors, can they be moved indoors?

    Is selling allowed on site? (Make certain of this!)


    Does the site director truly understand what is about to happen (heavy weapons, fencing or archery)?

    Number of lists that will fit on site.

    Area for list tables. Will they be sheltered?

    Area for first aide and for waterbearing. Will they be sheltered (shade/wind)?

    Level fighting area?  Check for roots.

    Can the martial activities be moved indoors for bad weather?

    What type of footwear may be worn for fighting indoors?

    Will going to one’s knees damage the knees or the floor?

    What are the federal, state & local laws for archery?

    If visible to police (near major road), do you wish to warn them?

    Is the area behind the butt clear? Will people be tempted to use it as a short cut?


    Number of classrooms. Size of classrooms. Size of chairs in the classrooms.

    Materials available: Projection screens, chalkboards, AV carts.

    Chalk and erasers: Available on site or do you need to provide.


    Where may tents be staked?

    Campfires allowed? Where? Firewood – allowed to collect on site or bring your own? Liquid fuel – is it allowed on site? Propane fuel – is it allowed on site?

    Natural dangers on site – bears, snakes, scorpions, bees?

    Disposal of trash?

    Port-A-Pots? How many? How much will they hold? – This may be a question just for yourself, not the site director.

    Running water? Will a water buffalo be needed?

    What will cleanup be like? Located in one spot or all over? Plan cleanup staff accordingly.

    Additional printouts to include in the Business of Event package when teaching the class.

    1. Event Planning Timeline (from the Sacred Stone website)
    2. Kingdom Event Bid Form (from the Atlantia website)
    3. Event Budget  and Event Financial Report forms (two excel worksheets) (from the Atlantia website – Atlantia Event Report – an excel file for the exchequer report)

    Happy New Year … A Short History of the SCA

    (Taught May 3, 2018 for the Aire Faucon Newcomer A&S Night)

    Happy New Year: Today is May 3 (2018) In the Year of the Society LIII (53)

    The First Event
    In the year of our Lord 1966, an event was held on May 1st, and do the reckoning of the Society began and it was the first Year of the Society (AS I), and it was good.

    In the backyard of Diana Paxson, students and other gentles associated with the University of California at Berkeley gathered for a May Day party. (If you recognize the name Diana Paxson, you might also be familiar with her books including the Avalon series (portions of which she co-wrote with Marion Zimmer Bradley), the Westria series, and Wodan’s Children). They found with plywood swords and fencing foils, “protected” by fencing masks. The day ended with a parade down Telegraph Avenue with everyone singing “Greensleeves” in a “protest against the 20th century”.

    The first Knight was created at the first tournament: Sir Ardal Argo ver Kaeysc. (The first herald was Harold Breakstone, because heralds do keep track of these thing.)

    How the SCA Got Its Name
    The group enjoyed the day so much, they wanted to do it again but in a larger setting. When reserving a local park for the tournament, the official asked for the group’s name. Marion Zimmer Bradley quickly responded “Society for Creative Anachronism.”

    Other co-founders include Poul Anderson and his wife Karen Cruse.

    Six events were held in the first year and nine the second year.

    The Order of the Laurel was formally instituted in January 1968. The Order of the Pelican was created in 1972. The Order of Defense was created in AS 50 (2015).

    The Spread of Kingdoms
    In June 1968 (AS 3), M.Z. Bradley moved to Staten Island, NY and held a tournament to determine the first king of the East. With one kingdom on each coast, (West and East), the Middle Kingdom wasn’t far behind in September 1969 (AS4), centered in Chicago (likely seeded by Baycon World Science Fiction Convention, where the SCA held a tournament which Duke Cariadoc of the Bow won … more on him later). All kingdoms thereafter trace their lineage back to one of these three kingdoms.

    Atenveldt quickly followed in 1971 (AS 5).

    After that, principalities formed and the thought was each of the States in the US would be a shire and eventually a barony, tied to one of these big kingdoms. But by the end of the 1970’s some other group requested their own Crowns. Meridies (AS12), Caid (AS 13) and Ansteorra (AS 14). The 1980’s increased the kingdoms from the magical seven to twelve – a perfect number including Atlantia (AS 16), An Tir (AS 16), Calontir (AS 18), Trimaris (AS 20), and the Outlands (AS 21). There things stayed for seven years.

    Until the colonization of Europe was complete and the Kingdom of Drachenwald gained their independence in June AS 28 (1993). Thirteen kingdoms.

    Four years later saw three kingdom form back-to-back (1997-1998): Artemisia (AS 32), Aethelmarc (AS 32) and Ealdormere (AS 33). Lochac (AS 37), Northshield (AS 39), and Gleann Abhann (AS 40) spun off slowly. The youngest of the twenty kingdoms was born in June AS 50, Avacal.

    The First Inter-Kingdom War
    “One day, almost 30 years ago, Cariadoc of the Bow, the King of the Middle, got bored with peace and declared war upon the East, loser to take Pittsburgh. The King of the East read the declaration of war, filed it away and forgot about it. Time passed. Cariadoc moved to New York and subsequently became King of the East, whereupon he retrieved the declaration from the file cabinet and said, “Let’s fight.” The Middle won, and Cariadoc has the distinction of being the only king who declared war upon himself and lost.”

    F.L. Watkins 2005. An Incomplete History of Pennsic by Folump Enterprises.

    Family Tree
    A full picture of the “family tree” can be found at:

    West Kingdom begot Caid, An Tir, and Lochac.

    An Tir begot Avacal.

    East Kingdom begot Atlantia, Drachenwald, and AEthelmarc.

    Middle Kingdom (Midrealm) begot Calontir, Ealdormere, and Northshield.

    Atenveldt (the first Barony of the Knowne World, then first Principality), kind-of is attributed between West and Middle Kingdom, and on its formation had all the lands not assigned specifically to the Big Three. Atenveldt begot Meridies, Ansteorra, the Outlands, and Artemisia.

    Meridies begot Trimaris and Gleann Abhann

    A map from AS 20 can be found here:’s_guide.htm
    (you will need to scroll down to see it)

    A global map from AS 46 can be found here: (11/6/2022 – looks like the map has been removed)

    Project: Sweet Bags

    Sweet Bags

    Created at Aire Faucon’s Largess Night on 6/8/2017

    Participants (The Canton of Aire Faucon)
    Lady Prudence the Curious (Organizer, donated the fabric and cedar chips, stuffed bags and hand sewed them shut); Lisa Weekly (Host of the A&S Night, dried the rose petals, operated the sewing machine), Rich Weekly (picked the roses), and Richard & Elizabeth Weekly (twin 4-year-olds) – helped pick the roses, turn the bags inside-out for stuffing, and stuffed the bags with cedar chips.

    Care and feeding of the sweet bags
    The floral bags are stuffed with rose petals. Over time the scent will fade. Adding rose water or rose essence should restore the scent.

    The green & white striped bags and the blue bags are stuffed with cedar chips. The scent will fade over time, usually around a decade before completely gone. Afterwards they make great fire starters.

    A Bit of History
    Sweet Bags are also called sachets, scent bags, smelling cushions, dream pillows, and plague bags.

    In use since before 200 BC in China (and everywhere since at least Medieval times), bags of scented woods and herbs have been used to make the world a more pleasant place to live. Throughout SCA period, you would find people wearing some sort of scent bag as an alternate to wearing perfume. And, of course, modern scholars state the bags were used to “scare evil spirits”.

    The bags were worn like accessories. The herbs stuffed in them could be dry and fresh. When people started having more than one or two sets of clothing, bags of scents – especially lavender – were stored with the undergarments.

    As people got more and more clothing and needed to store winter garments during the summer, cedar became a popular storage method to discourage moths as it affects the young larvae (it will not kill established larvae). The use of scent bags to control pests is more modern simply because historical people did not have a wealth of fabric to protect.

    Use of Bags
    Rose/Floral Bags – I recommend storing with items you want smelling slightly of roses. I pack them in with my linen and silk embroidery thread. Every time I stitch, the light fragrance enhances the experience. Note the Rose bags will not keep any pests away because everything loves roses, so be sure to put the bags inside a sealed container.

    Cedar Bags (green & white / blue) – I put one in with my box of cloth. It gives the fabric a light woody scent. Better yet the fabric doesn’t end up smelling like plastic or mold.

    The bags were packed in groups of two to include in largess baskets given by the Canton. Each participant was allowed to keep one for their own use.

    Making of
    Take scrap cloth at least as wide as your hand when folded in half. Needs to be thick enough to hold the herb/wood chips inside but thin enough to let the scent through.

    Fold in half and sew two of the three sides, then turn inside-out and be sure to poke out the corners. No need to finish the edges.

    Stuff the bag, leaving room at the top to sew together. Mash the bag a little to verify the stuffing is enough but not too much.

    Sew the top together either by machine or by hand.

    Special Note
    This works well as a kids’ project if the bags are premade. Young children can turn the bags inside out “just like you do with your socks” and stuff the materials. They will be frustrated with the fabric not staying open and may ask you to hold the bag open for them. Choose a fabric which is not flimsy if working with children. Older children can sew their own bags shut as well.

    The children can then take the sweet bag home to “scare the insects away from their SCA clothing” if you use cedar chips.

    Cedar chips can be bought at any pet store; one bag will last for decades.