Knightly Oath
My liege lord, I am your man
to do your will and protect your land.
On Royal Sword and Heavenly Word, both
I freely give this Knightly Oath.
By my gold chain of state
I will timely advise and not hesitate.
By the white belt about my waist
I swear to be pure, not base.
By the spurs upon my feet
I will propagate the arts in my keep.
By the crown upon your brow
I will govern the serfs under my plow.
By the throne where you sit
I will implement your just edicts.
By the sword which you hold
I will fight for Kingdom ’til I grow old.
By my honor and my life,
by my family, children, and wife,
by my Fathers, I do swear
to defend all for which we care.
This I say before God and man
by this Oath I shall stand
from now until time does end.
Lady Prudence the Curious
Written pre-August 1992; Published August 1992 Ironmonger, Barony of Iron Bog