Welcome to the Canton of Aire Faucon, within the Barony of The Sacred Stone, in the Kingdom of Atlantia which is part of the Knowne World.
In the modern world, we would say: the City of Gastonia, in the County of Gaston, in the State of North Carolina, in the federated republic of the United States of America, on the planet Earth.
Since the overlay of SCA to Modern World often isn’t clear, today’s lesson is on Geography.
I’m going to start small and work my way up first.
The Canton of Aire Faucon
Covers Cleveland, Gaston, Lincolnton, and parts of Rutherford Counties. (Rutherford County is shared with Hawkwood and Crown Lands). Total square miles is 1,628 miles and the modern population is just shy of half a million (2016 census). And no, I don’t know how many paid SCA members are in that area.

The Barony of Sacred Stone
Follows the I-85 and I-77 corridors down the western third of NC which isn’t full-on mountains. It is mostly square-shape and is 125 miles north to south and east to west. Total mundane population is over four million and covers 12 thousand square miles. In the modern world, this puts us in land mass between #41 West Virginia at 24K miles and #42 Maryland at 9.7K in size. (Maryland, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Hawaii, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island are all smaller.)
Aire Facuon is located on the Western-Southern edge of the Barony.
The Barony has four other Cantons, and one defunct canton which is now crown lands.
The Canton of Charlesbury Crossing is the greater Charlotte area (Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly, and Union Counties). Salisbury Glen is immediately north with just the single county of Rowan and acts much close to a traditional Canton in activities. Crois Brigte is Forsyth, Surry, Wilkes, and Yadkin; while Middlegate is Davidson, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham, and Stokes Counties.

The Kingdom of Atlantia
Broken off from the East Kingdom, the Kingdom of Atlantia includes Maryland, the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and a small portion of Georgia. It is about average size for a kingdom, but has a higher population due to its coastal location.
The kingdom has 17 baronies at this time. Aire Faucon abuts both the Barony of Hawkwood (visible on the NC-Sacred Stone map above) and the Barony of Nottinghill Coil (on the SC border) and many of their functions are closer and easier to get to than some Sacred Stone events.
There are also six shires, two of which are located in NC. Between them, the baronies contain nine cantons, incipient cantons, and colleges. (For a total of 31 groups for the Kingdom)

Known World
The SCA has groups throughout the world. The most important aspects in relation to us immediately are the Wars and the Kingdom of Meridies. Much of Meridies is closer to us than the Kingdom of Atlantia, in fact, Barony of Thor’s Mountain (Knoxsville, TN – 3.5 hours) and the Shire of Nant-Y-Derwyddon (Kingsport, TN – 3 hours) are extremely close by and can easily be daytripped.
Known World Symposiums and Wars
Symposiums and Academies, such as the recent agriculture one hosted by Sacred Stone, draw people from around the Known World on special subjects. Upcoming include one focused on all things Italian (Mississippi in March), Rapier and Costuming in April in Canada, and Science in June in Utah. (dates related are 2019 and 2020 – check out https://www.sca.org/activities/events.html#kws for the most recent information)
Interkingdom Wars – Pennsic Wars was the first and still the largest and is held in late July/early August in Pennsylvania. The other big draw Atlantia (and even bigger for our portion of Atlantia) is Gulf Wars, held in March in Mississippi. Other wars you will hear people talk about are Estrella (Arizona), Lilies (Missouri), and the Great Western (Southern California). Balancing them out are the two baby wars of A&W (Oregon) and Battlemoor (Colorado).
Pennsic Wars for 2020 is July 24 to August 9th. Gulf Wars for 2020 is March 14-22.
You can find details about Known World Events at sca.org – Activities & Events – Events. From there you can click to the particular events.
Atlantia Events – atlantia.sca.org/events/atlantia-calendar-events
Kingdoms have certain required events: Crown Tournament and Coronation. In Atlantia, these are held twice a year. Other Kingdom Events include: UnEvent, Kingdom 12th Night, University, Kingdom Arts & Science Festival, and War of the Wings. All of these events, except for War of the Wings, rotate between various regions of the kingdom and groups are encouraged to bid on them.
Within Atlantia, certain groups have “big” events which draw people from all over. If you are a fighter or A&S person, these are great locations to up your game against people you don’t have a chance to face-off or learn from regularly.
Ice Castles (January, Black Diamond – VA), Ymir (February, Windmaster’s Hill – NC), Ruby Joust (May, Caer Mear – VA), Highland River Melees (May, Highland Ford – MD), and Trial by Fire (September, Bright Hills – MD).
Sacred Stone Events
Baronial Birthday (and Investiture when appropriate) is usually September; In a Phoenix Eye / Runestone Collegium are hosted by the Phoenix Eye (the arts award for the barony) in alternating years – 2020 will be In a Phoenix Eye. A member of our Canton autocrated Runestone in 2019, and Phoenix Eye in 2018. The Barony also usually has their UnEvent end of May/early June.
The Canton of Aire Faucon used to regularly host a newcomer event: Flight of the Falcon (August). Previous historic events include Inn on the Road (see our Aire Currents for history). We regularly host demos in Lincolnton, in particular Lincolnton Apple Festival.
The Canton of Charlesbury Crossing, like Aire Faucon, has had their big event slide. They also host demos every year at ConCarolinas (May) and Muggles Market (October). Aire Faucon often helps out their nearest neighbor with these.
The Canton of Crois Brigte has often hosted Gardens of Thyme in August.
The Canton of Middlegate hosts Return to Crecy.
The Canton of Saleberie Glen, until recently, hosted a regular bardic event.
Calendar of Events
What events should you go to? Well, depends on how far you like to travel, what type of events you like (camping, fighting, arts, university, feasts), and your free time.
Aire Faucon’s nearest neighbors – often with events within an hour or two are:
Canton of Charlesbury Crossing
Canton of Saleberie Glenn
Barony of Hawkwood (Baronial Birthday – May);
Canton of Falcon Cree (Barony of Nottinghill Coil)
Next round out – two to four hours
Canton of Crois Brigte
Canton of Middlegate
Incipient Canton of Stormwall (Barony of Hawkwood)
Barony of Windmaster’s Hill
Barony of Nottinghill Coil (Baronial Birthday – January); (Yule Toy – December)
Shire of Nant-Y-Derwyddon (TN)
Barony of Thor’s Mountain (TN)
Next round out – four to eight hours
Shire of Cathanar (NC shore)
Barony of Raven’s Cove (NC shore)
Shire of Seareach (NC shore)
Barony of Hidden Mountain (SC shore)
Shire of Border Vale Keep (GA)
Barony of Black Diamond (VA)
And like half of Meridies.
Things to look forward to in first quarter of 2020
January 2020
4 – MERIDIES (not a kingdom event) 12th Night – Barony of Bryn Madoc – Athens, GA (http://www.brynmadoc.meridies.org/12thnight-2019.html)
11 – Garb Workshop – Nottinghill Coill – Spartanburg, SC
18 – Atlantia Kingdom 12th Night – Roanoke, VA (ROYAL)
18 – MERIDIES Menhir – Shire of Rising Stone – Murfreesboro, TN (https://www.facebook.com/events/458445958144486/)
25 – Tourney of Manannan mac Lir XL – Canton of Tear-Seas Shore (Hidden Mountain) – Harleyille, SC (ROYAL)
February 2020
1 – MERIDIES – Midwinter A&S – Barony of South Downs – Atlanta, GA
14-16 – Nottinghill Coil XL – Nottinghill Coil – Bennetsville, SC
21-23 – Ymir 45 – Windmaster’s Hill – Ellerbe, NC (ROYAL)
March 2020
7 – Kingdom A&S Festival – Matthews, NC
14-22 – Gulf Wars
14 – Raven’s Cove Baronial Birthday – Barony of Raven’s Cove – Richlands, NC
14 – A Day of DaVinci – Canton of Cydllan Downs (Barony of Nottingham Coil) – Trenton, SC
27-29 – Hidden Mountain Birthday and Investiture – Hidden Mountain – Bennetsville, SC (ROYAL)